[Global] RunMode = "release" [Log] # log write dir Dir = "logs" # log level: DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR Level = "DEBUG" # stdout, stderr, file Output = "stdout" # # rotate by time # KeepHours = 4 # # rotate by size # RotateNum = 3 # # unit: MB # RotateSize = 256 [HTTP] # http listening address Host = "" # http listening port Port = 17000 # https cert file path CertFile = "" # https key file path KeyFile = "" # whether print access log PrintAccessLog = false # whether enable pprof PProf = false # expose prometheus /metrics? ExposeMetrics = true # http graceful shutdown timeout, unit: s ShutdownTimeout = 30 # max content length: 64M MaxContentLength = 67108864 # http server read timeout, unit: s ReadTimeout = 20 # http server write timeout, unit: s WriteTimeout = 40 # http server idle timeout, unit: s IdleTimeout = 120 [HTTP.ShowCaptcha] Enable = false [HTTP.APIForAgent] Enable = true # [HTTP.APIForAgent.BasicAuth] # user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5" [HTTP.APIForService] Enable = false [HTTP.APIForService.BasicAuth] user001 = "ccc26da7b9aba533cbb263a36c07dcc5" [HTTP.JWTAuth] # unit: min AccessExpired = 1500 # unit: min RefreshExpired = 10080 RedisKeyPrefix = "/jwt/" [HTTP.ProxyAuth] # if proxy auth enabled, jwt auth is disabled Enable = false # username key in http proxy header HeaderUserNameKey = "X-User-Name" DefaultRoles = ["Standard"] [HTTP.RSA] # open RSA OpenRSA = false # Before replacing the key file, make sure that there are no encrypted variables in the database "configs". # It is recommended to decrypt and remove all encrypted values from the database before replacing the key file. # This will prevent any potential issues with accessing or decrypting the variables using the new key file. # RSA public key (auto carete) RSAPublicKeyPath = "etc/rsa/public.pem" # RSA private key (auto carete) RSAPrivateKeyPath = "etc/rsa/private.pem" # RSA private key password RSAPassWord = "n9e@n9e!" [DB] # postgres: DSN="host= port=5432 user=root dbname=n9e_v6 password=1234 sslmode=disable" DSN="root:1234@tcp(mysql:3306)/n9e_v6?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local&allowNativePasswords=true" # enable debug mode or not Debug = false # mysql postgres DBType = "mysql" # unit: s MaxLifetime = 7200 # max open connections MaxOpenConns = 150 # max idle connections MaxIdleConns = 50 # enable auto migrate or not # EnableAutoMigrate = false [Redis] # address, ip:port or ip1:port,ip2:port for cluster and sentinel(SentinelAddrs) Address = "redis:6379" # Username = "" # Password = "" # DB = 0 # UseTLS = false # TLSMinVersion = "1.2" # standalone cluster sentinel RedisType = "standalone" # Mastername for sentinel type # MasterName = "mymaster" # SentinelUsername = "" # SentinelPassword = "" [Alert] [Alert.Heartbeat] # auto detect if blank IP = "" # unit ms Interval = 1000 EngineName = "default" # [Alert.Alerting] # NotifyConcurrency = 10 [Center] MetricsYamlFile = "./etc/metrics.yaml" I18NHeaderKey = "X-Language" [Center.AnonymousAccess] PromQuerier = false AlertDetail = false [Pushgw] # use target labels in database instead of in series LabelRewrite = true # # default busigroup key name # BusiGroupLabelKey = "busigroup" ForceUseServerTS = true # [Pushgw.DebugSample] # ident = "xx" # __name__ = "xx" # [Pushgw.WriterOpt] # QueueMaxSize = 1000000 # QueuePopSize = 1000 [[Pushgw.Writers]] # Url = "" Url = "http://victoriametrics:8428/api/v1/write" # Basic auth username BasicAuthUser = "" # Basic auth password BasicAuthPass = "" # timeout settings, unit: ms Headers = ["X-From", "n9e"] Timeout = 10000 DialTimeout = 3000 TLSHandshakeTimeout = 30000 ExpectContinueTimeout = 1000 IdleConnTimeout = 90000 # time duration, unit: ms KeepAlive = 30000 MaxConnsPerHost = 0 MaxIdleConns = 100 MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100 ## Optional TLS Config # UseTLS = false # TLSCA = "/etc/n9e/ca.pem" # TLSCert = "/etc/n9e/cert.pem" # TLSKey = "/etc/n9e/key.pem" # InsecureSkipVerify = false # [[Writers.WriteRelabels]] # Action = "replace" # SourceLabels = ["__address__"] # Regex = "([^:]+)(?::\\d+)?" # Replacement = "$1:80" # TargetLabel = "__address__" [Ibex] Enable = true RPCListen = ""